Everyone dreams of living in a castle or French château. The French refer to "la vie du château" meaning a life of comfort and luxury.

If you want to buy a castle, prices are now favourable throughout Europe, following the world recession of 2009-2013

The castles which are for sale often go back to the 12th and 13th century, but many were built or rebuilt during the Renaissance and Baroque period. They were embellished in the elaborate style of these times often replacing earlier simpler and more crude structures.

Anyone can become an owner of such a castle providing you  have the funds to buy and renovate the castle. Unless you have or can arrange financing with your home bank, loans are not possible in most cases, especially if you live in another country.  In  Germany foreign nationals with some exceptions, can own property outright, in some other eastern European countries a buyer may have to establish a corporation through which he can buy the castle.  Outright ownership is possible in most western European countries.  

Our professional team can assist you with the purchase of a castle. Our associates in Germany specialize in the acquisition of castles and historic reconstruction. By letting us know how large a castle you want, what you want to do with it and most important what your budget is, we will suggest castles which will fit your interest.  
